High-Quality Free Tutoring

By Students, For Students

What is Greenwich Academics?

Greenwich Academics is a free tutoring program created by Greenwich High School high honor roll students. It is designed to make tutoring accessible to anyone in need of academic assistance and to foster a strong sense of community.

Apply to be Tutored

To get the best understanding of your circumstances and what you are looking for in our high-quality tutors, please fill out this form so we can help you achieve your goals.

Our Tutors

All of our tutors are assessed to ensure they are qualified to meet our student’s needs. Please click the link below to apply to join our team.

Bio about the Founders

Click below to learn more about the founders of Greenwich Academics.

Our Goal

Why not charge? 

Although Greenwich is a well-off town and most kids can afford tutoring, there is still a prejudice against it which blocks many from getting the help they need. Oftentimes, parents feel like their kids will do well on their own and decide not to pay for a tutor. In making this organization, we hope to rid of this stigma. By making tutoring free we hope that everyone who wants to be tutored now has the ability to do so. 

Why have high school students tutor?

Another limitation we found with tutoring is that many students are reluctant to ask for help. They believe they don’t need it so they miss out on help that could greatly benefit them. To hopefully solve this issue, we chose other high school students to be the tutors to build a community around this organization where no one is embarrassed to ask for help.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.



